Meet Our Team
James Renfrew & Robin Inlow

James Renfrew (Sound Technician) and Robin Inlow (Media Specialist) joined the Media Team in October 2024.
James is a graduate of the Guitar Institute of Technology (Musicians
Institute) and founded the Hollywood-based rock band Jo’ Mama, before
starting JSR Furniture Company in 2000. He continues to write and record
his own music. He and his wife, Sabrina, joined Wesley UMC in 2022.
Robin has a BA in English: Literature and a MSc in International Development.
She also works with the Preschool as a teacher and Preschool Coordinator.
Methodism in the Yakima Valley dates back to 1872 when Rev. George W. Kennedy started the first preaching circuit in the area. First Methodist Church in Yakima grew and adjusted to the ever changing needs of the community. For many years First Methodist Church was located at the southwest corner of North Naches Avenue and East A Street. In 1955, members of First Church decided there was a great need for a Methodist Church in the rapidly growing West Valley area of Yakima. This lead to the founding of Wesley Memorial Methodist Church. In 1967, First Church and Wesley Memorial merged into what is now known as Wesley United Methodist Church. Over the last 140 years the Methodist movement has helped show the love and grace of God to thousands of people.
What We Believe
Wesley United Methodist Church follows in the theological tradition that descends from John Wesley. Some of the most important ideas that shape our beliefs include:
The grace of God. The defining characteristic of God is an active love that reaches out to us before we are even aware of it. Although we are all called to respond to that grace in our own way with our own gifts, we believe it is God’s spirit that empowers all that we have and all that we do.
The inclusion of all. Jesus’ practice was radical hospitality. We therefore believe that no one is outside the grace of God. One expression of this is our open communion table where all people are welcome regardless of age, race, gender, denominational affiliation or sexual identity.
The practice of faith. Salvation is not simply a one time experience. It is a process of growth. Our goal is to become people who love God and neighbor. We follow the Spirit as we learn to become more like Christ in everything we do.
The importance of balance. Methodism is sometimes called a “both/and church.” We tend not to elevate one aspect of life at the expense of another, but we seek to bring them into dialogue. We talk about faith and works, body and spirit, peace and justice, personal holiness and social holiness. To understanding our calling as disciples of Christ we use scripture, tradition, reason and experience.
The transformation of the world. Jesus came to proclaim the kingdom of God. He demonstrated the ways of that kingdom by offering food, healing and forgiveness to all. We likewise seek to live as Christ did by reaching out to those in need by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and offering hope to those who hunger in spirit for new meaning in their lives.
To learn more about The United Methodist Church contact Pastor Shane or click here.
The grace of God. The defining characteristic of God is an active love that reaches out to us before we are even aware of it. Although we are all called to respond to that grace in our own way with our own gifts, we believe it is God’s spirit that empowers all that we have and all that we do.
The inclusion of all. Jesus’ practice was radical hospitality. We therefore believe that no one is outside the grace of God. One expression of this is our open communion table where all people are welcome regardless of age, race, gender, denominational affiliation or sexual identity.
The practice of faith. Salvation is not simply a one time experience. It is a process of growth. Our goal is to become people who love God and neighbor. We follow the Spirit as we learn to become more like Christ in everything we do.
The importance of balance. Methodism is sometimes called a “both/and church.” We tend not to elevate one aspect of life at the expense of another, but we seek to bring them into dialogue. We talk about faith and works, body and spirit, peace and justice, personal holiness and social holiness. To understanding our calling as disciples of Christ we use scripture, tradition, reason and experience.
The transformation of the world. Jesus came to proclaim the kingdom of God. He demonstrated the ways of that kingdom by offering food, healing and forgiveness to all. We likewise seek to live as Christ did by reaching out to those in need by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and offering hope to those who hunger in spirit for new meaning in their lives.
To learn more about The United Methodist Church contact Pastor Shane or click here.
Our Core Values
Our Core Values indicate what is of deep significance to us. At Wesley UMC, our core values are:
1. Loving and Caring Community: Wesley is committed to loving and caring for our community and creation.
2. Outreach: At Wesley, we are better together by sharing our resources and talents to put love into action.
3. Accepting and Open to Learn: Wesley aspires to be an accepting and dynamic church learning from each other and our neighbors.
4. Faith: We, at Wesley, strive to invite the community to open and safe space for us to pursue to faith in and through God.
5. Inclusive and Intergenerational Relationships: Wesley celebrates our differences by giving and participating together as followers of Jesus.
For more about our core values, please hear from members of our Strategic Planning Team:
1. Loving and Caring Community: Wesley is committed to loving and caring for our community and creation.
2. Outreach: At Wesley, we are better together by sharing our resources and talents to put love into action.
3. Accepting and Open to Learn: Wesley aspires to be an accepting and dynamic church learning from each other and our neighbors.
4. Faith: We, at Wesley, strive to invite the community to open and safe space for us to pursue to faith in and through God.
5. Inclusive and Intergenerational Relationships: Wesley celebrates our differences by giving and participating together as followers of Jesus.
For more about our core values, please hear from members of our Strategic Planning Team:
Loving and Caring Community
Accepting and Open to Learn
Faith Inclusive and Intergenerational Relationships