Serving Community
PreschoolWesley Preschool has been serving the community for over 40 years. Our preschool program is based on Christian values and morals. We have certified and trained staff with high staff-to-child ratios and developmentally appropriate curriculum.
We are dedicated to providing a safe and loving atmosphere that challenges each child to explore and learn at their own pace, building a foundation for a lifetime of love for learning and creativity, enhancing positive self-esteem and loving care for others, experiencing the reality of Christ’s love and God’s creations, and working together with families to enhance their child’s unique development. Click below to learn more. |
Food MinistriesThroughout the month we serve our community through multiple food ministries.
United Methodist WomenWesley United Methodist Women (UMW) meets the 1st Wednesday at 10 am for a meal and program. UMW sponsors a spring rummage sale and a Christmas Craft Bazaar that supports missions and church programs. Click below to learn more about Wesley UMW.
Prayer Shawl and Sew & Sew MinistriesEvery Tuesday at 9 am a group meets to knit prayer shawls to share with those going difficulties. These shawls are made with love and prayer and available upon request to anyone in need. Tuesdays at 10 am quilters meet to make items for the fall craft fair and YWCA Battered Women's Shelter.
United Methodist MenWesley United Methodist Men (UMM) meets 2nd Saturday at 9 am at the Harman Center in Yakima. We gather for breakfast, fellowship and devotion.
Scouting MinistryWe charter Scout Troop 268 and Cub Scout Pack 268 that meet during the school year from 6:30-8:30 pm. The Boy Scouts meet on Tuesdays in the fellowship hall and the Cub Scouts meet on Wednesdays in classroom #9.